Turkish Togg T10X good for 177,000 pre-orders in 9 days

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Turkish Togg T10X good for 177,000 pre-orders in 9 days

On March 16, the order books for the first car from the Turkish Togg opened and that did not go unnoticed in the home country: more than 177,000 Turks have already indicated that they are interested in purchasing a T10X, an electric crossover. He is also coming to the Netherlands, but it is not yet known when you can express your interest.

The first copies of the Togg T10X, the first – and electric – car of the Turkish brand, will be delivered in April. And to the first of more than 177,000 Turks, because that many people already placed a pre-order for the first car of the new brand between March 16 and 27. Togg is pleased with this, according to a press release. The brand does a remarkable job of selecting who gets their car first. None here first come first servedprinciple, but a lottery.

Here’s how: yesterday the first 20,000 lucky ones were drawn during an online event and the 20,000 that follow (or take their places if they want to cancel the purchase anyway) have already been chosen. The latter group will have to be patient for a large part, because the production capacity for the T10X is initially 28,000 units per year. Also noteworthy: in the first four hours that the order books were open, more units of the T10X were ordered than electric cars were sold in Turkey in all of 2022 (7,743 units).

Togg will also sell his wares in the Netherlands. This is expected to happen from the end of 2024. The spokesperson for the brand cannot yet say when Dutch pre-orders can be placed. Want to know more about the Togg T10X? Then click here. You can find an interview with the CEO of the brand here.


– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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