Frank Energie’s ‘Smart Charging’ makes electric driving even cheaper

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Frank Energie’s ‘Smart Charging’ makes electric driving even cheaper

Variable electricity rates, dynamic energy contracts to even negative electricity prices; You have probably heard or read something about it and perhaps you already use it. To make it as simple and cheap as possible for you, there is now Frank Energie and with the ‘Smart Charging’ service you can save up to €1,000* per year on charging your electric car. And the great thing is: you don’t have to do almost anything for that.

The benefits of Frank Energie and ‘Smart Charging’

  • Cheaper than fixed and variable
  • Save up to €1,000* per year on charging your EV
  • 100 percent Dutch wind and sun
  • Handy app that puts you in control of the charging process
  • Have a chance to win free electricity every month
  • More balance on the electricity network
  • Charging during the cheapest hours
  • You contribute to the energy transition
  • Suitable for almost all common EVs and charging stations

*Average savings with normal consumption.

Smart driving, smart charging

An EV may be more expensive to purchase than a car with a combustion engine, but the fixed and variable costs are a lot lower. Less maintenance, no MRB and lower energy costs. And let’s not forget that electric driving is cleaner and quieter, that’s what it’s all about. The choice for an EV is a smart one in all respects and what fits better than charging smartly? Many EV drivers already do this by looking for the lowest possible charging rates, Frank Energie goes one step further with ‘Smart Charging’.

Only Frank Energie can guarantee the highest return

Frank Energy is an innovative provider on the energy market and focuses primarily on making optimal use of the available energy and therefore keeping your bill as low as possible. So you will use electricity when it is cheap. At Frank Energie you pay a dynamic rate. That price even varies per hour and by making the best possible use of it, you pay less for electricity every month. And you don’t have to look at the prices all day long, Frank does that for you. Frank Energie can guarantee the highest return by optimizing on the basis of stock market prices and the imbalance. That makes Frank Energie unique.

The article continues below the image.Frank Energie (ON83046)From traditional charging to ‘Smart Charging’

We humans are creatures of habit in many ways and this is reflected in the way we charge our EVs. You come home after a day of work and hook up your car. It immediately starts charging at full power, even though this is often not necessary at all. If you are a Frank Energie customer and you use ‘Smart Charging’, you do not have to change anything in your daily routine. Only the app determines when the loading process starts. And that is when electricity is cheapest. Smarter, cheaper, greener.

Who is the smartest charger? Participate and win!

While you are watching ‘The smartest person’ on the couch, you automatically compete for the unofficial title ‘Smartest charger in the Netherlands’. With this competition, Frank Energie encourages its customers to relieve the electricity network as much as possible. It works simply: the charger who pays the lowest electricity price per kilowatt hour will receive a refund of the monthly amount paid. At the end of a month, Frank Energie will publish an overview of the ten smartest chargers. No one is obliged to participate in the competition. The intention of the action is to create more awareness and promote the necessary energy transition.

Would you also like a lower energy bill and charging your EV much more cheaply?

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