More fatal road accidents in 2022

Also more than in 2019

More fatal road accidents in 2022

There will be more fatal traffic accidents in 2022 than in 2019, 2020 or 2021. There were 578 in total, according to figures from the STAR. The number of victims will be announced later.

The provisional figures for 2022 from the STAR (Smart Traffic Accident Reporting) show that there were 578 fatal traffic accidents last year. That is more than in the corona years 2020 and 2021, but also more than in 2019. It is not yet known how many fatalities were caused by those accidents. In 2019 – as a result of a lower number of fatal accidents – there were 661. Up to and including mid-2022, 270 people died after a traffic accident, but corona measures were still in force during the first quarter of that year.

Some time ago it already seemed that the number of fatal accidents in 2022 would be higher than in previous years, and so it turned out. The number of accidents resulting in one or more injuries is also higher. In 2022 there were 21,457. This makes the statement of the Foundation for Scientific Research on Road Safety (SWOV), in which it claims that it will not be possible to halve the number of road casualties in the Netherlands, somewhat more plausible.

Paul Broer, traffic portfolio holder at the national police, confirms the increase in the number of fatal accidents to the ANP. According to him, more accidents took place in the evenings than in the mornings last year. Electric cyclists (especially older ones) are again strongly represented in the figures, a trend that has become increasingly visible in recent years. Broer calls on the provinces and municipalities to pay extra attention to road safety – also on cycle paths. He also wants more information about driving under the influence.

– Thanks for information from

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