Volvo EM90: electric MPV looks around the corner

Reveal in less than a month and a half

Volvo EM90: electric MPV looks around the corner

The Volvo EM90 is eager to take the world stage by storm. The electric MPV will make its appearance next month and is now cautiously showing itself again.

In just under six weeks, Volvo will roll the brand new EM90 into the light of day. It may well be the least conventional Volvo of this century, because it will be an MPV (we don’t know the brand yet) and it will only be available with electric drive. As the numbers in its name indicate, the EM90 will also be placed in the highest regions of the Volvo range. A real ‘premium MPV’, according to the Swedes.

As can be seen in these new teaser photos, the EM90 will be a clear brother of the Volvo EX90 not only in terms of market position, but also in terms of appearance. Just like in an earlier teaser image, we see that the Volvo EM90 will have a rather chunky appearance and will also have fairly thin LED lights at the front and rear. From the rear, the EM90 is nevertheless clearly distinguishable from the EX90, because where the SUV has a kind of C-shaped taillights, the EM90 has two long vertical units with two stripes of lighting halfway down that run towards the center of the car.

Volvo EM90 teaser

What’s behind the curtain?

If you want to get an idea of ​​the overall proportions of the Volvo EM90, it is best to look at the 5.2 meter long Zeekr 009. After all, that is the technical cousin of the Volvo EM90. Count on comparable specifications. The Zeekr 009 is available as a 272 hp rear-wheel drive version and as a four-wheel drive version with 541 hp of electric power. Like its Chinese cousin, the Volvo EM90 will probably have an immense 140 kWh battery pack, which should logically allow a driving range of well over 600 km. We will probably find out exactly on November 12; then the unveiling of the Volvo EM90.

– Thanks for information from

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