Western Scheldt tunnel previously toll-free for motorists

2025 instead of 2030

Western Scheldt tunnel previously toll-free for motorists

The Western Scheldt tunnel will become toll-free earlier than planned. As early as 2025 you will no longer have to pay tolls if you want to use the tunnel by car.

The Western Scheldt tunnel, opened in 2003, is one of only three toll routes in the Netherlands. However, the tunnel will become toll-free from 2025, it has now been decided. The relevant outgoing Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management, Mark Harbers, has signed this today, just like the Zeeland representative Harry van der Maas. The outgoing cabinet originally planned to make the tunnel toll-free only by 2030.

Anyone who currently drives through the tunnel between Zuid-Beveland and West Flanders must pay up to €10 for a return journey. About 10,000 vehicles pass through the tunnel every day, so you can say that a considerable amount of toll income will be lost due to the early cancellation of the toll obligation. The government is therefore allocating €140 million to be able to do this earlier. Van der Maas: “This is good news for Zeelanders who had to spend a lot of money for years to drive through the tunnel. A toll-free Western Scheldt tunnel is an important boost for the quality of life and economy of Zeeland.”

There is, however, a major caveat for freight transport; they will continue to pay tolls for a longer period of time, because no money is yet available for this. Van der Maas therefore states: “I will continue to work tirelessly to make the tunnel toll-free for freight traffic as well.”

– Thanks for information from Autoweek.nl

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