3D view of a grasshopper embryo, colored red is the central nervous system. (Image: Hanover University of Veterinary Medicine Foundation)
Up to now it has...
Cannabidiol instead of pain reliever: Tampons with CBD active ingredient are supposed to relieve abdominal pain during the period in a natural way. There...
Many depression patients relapse after stopping medication. (Wavebreakmedia / iStock)
It would often have been better to continue treatment - the relapse rate for depression...
Different types of early humans mated with each other (Image: 1971yes / iStock)
The history of our ancestors is becoming increasingly complex. Because now, in...
Skull fossil of the newly discovered mini lizard Vellbergia bartholomaei (Image: Sobral et al. 2020 / CC-by-sa 4.0)
Reptiles are a species-rich class of vertebrates:...
3D structure of the spike protein from the new coronavirus Sars-CoV-2. (Image: Jason McLellan / University of Texas at Austin)
In order to penetrate human...
Historical helmets in the pressure test. (Photo: Op 't Eynde et al./PLOS ONE, CC-by-sa 4.0)
Since the First World War, soldiers have been protecting their...
Ribs and spine of the Neanderthal skeleton Shanidar Z. (Image: Graeme Barker)
In the 1950s, the discovery of several Neanderthal remains in the Shanidar Cave...